Saturday, July 18, 2015


200 protesters from a variety of small groups have staged a protest in Melbourne today. 3,000 counter protesters showed up, and 800 police were required to settle things down. This is flooding major Melbourne news sources right now. It's interesting to me that a protest I attended last year attracted 500 people as we marched from Fed Square to Parliament before some politicians and others delivered speeches. But there was minimal media coverage, not front and centre. Why? No violent clashes, I assume. Only peaceful people with one message.
In other parts of this world we share, literally one hundred MILLION + Christians are unable to live their lives peacefully without fear. They suffer extreme persecution in countries like North Korea, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Iran, Pakistan, etc, etc, etc. ALL religious persecution is bad, but it's a little known fact that Christians are persecuted much more than any other religious group in the world, even on a per head basis. (If you doubt me, look it up). Unfortunatly, most of it happens at the hands of Muslims in Muslim majority countries (again, look it up if interested).
This is a tragedy. So sad.
We rarely hear about this, because the headlines are about handfuls of people screaming obscenities at each other and scuffling while the police spray them with capsicum. Or footy. Or plenty of things- just not the millions upon millions of people struggling to freely go about their lives.
This post was just a little attempt at raising some awareness. Thanks for reading.

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